Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well, the Le Sueur family really knows how to make you feel special for your birthday! Not only did we have a fabulous BBQed Ethan-style meal, but Lindsay and the kids decorated and made the most yummy cake and chocolate eclairs for dessert! Here I am with the 3 oldest kids holding my birthday cake! Thanks to all of you for the GREAT, PERFECT Sized ring. GREEN is my favorite color and you will have to see the next post to see the lovely jewelry I bought with the "green stuff" from all our kids for my birthday. JAde in Guatemala and a silver chain in Mexico!
This, of course, is the premium mud style birthday cake cooked up in the fortress behind the Le Sueur's home in the jungle. It even has a straw in the middle! They have quite the cool "Friend's Club House" back there in the wilderness! Lindsay's sharp eyes caught a small turtle wandering through and we got some cool pictures of it also.

Thanks, Le Sueur KIDS!
See the cool club house?
Lindsay looks terrific. WHo woudl guess she is 3 months pregnant! She delighted me completely by letting me make the announcement of their expected baby to the kids! Alyse didn't even believe me and had to look to her mom for confirmation! What a thrill! Thanks, Lindsay and Ethan! That tickled me to pieces!

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missliss5/Melissa said...

Awesome fort and mud cake! And I love the first pic with the real cake.

Brittney said...

What fun! Alyse cracks me up with her poses.